Saturday, August 31, 2013

Delhi night bus assault: Indian teen sentenced to 3 years in gang rape trial

Delhi night bus assault: Indian teen sentenced to 3 years in gang rape trial

Indian policemen escort the juvenile (C, in pink hood), accused in the December 2012 gang-rape of a student, following his guilty verdict at a court in New Delhi on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Prakash Singh)Indian policemen escort the juvenile (C, in pink hood), accused in the December 2012 gang-rape of a student, following his guilty verdict at a court in New Delhi on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Prakash Singh)

An Indian teenager, one of the main suspects in a gang rape case in New Delhi together with five other men, was sentenced on Saturday. This is the first sentence served in the deadly case which sparked protests across India in the winter.
“The juvenile has been found guilty under rape and murder charges, and accordingly sentenced to three years of jail,” Rajesh Tiwari, a lawyer for the juvenile, told reporters.

The ruling has sparked debate over whether the country is too lenient with young offenders, especially in a country where a rape is reported every 20 minutes. The verdict was the first in the trial.

On December 16 last year the trainee physiotherapist boarded a charted bus with her male friend which had been commandeered by joyriders. Suspicions were aroused when the vehicle departed from its usual route. She was dragged to the back of the bus, while her friend was beaten with a metal bar and left unconscious.

Medical reports indicated that she suffered severe injuries to her abdomen, intestines and genitals on account of the attack. According to a police spokesperson, the teenager was the most violent, and apparently “sexually abused his victim twice and ripped out her intestines with his bare hands.” 
Indian international media cover the case of a juvenile, convicted in the December 2012 gang-rape of a student, in front of a juvenile court in New Delhi on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Raveendran)
Indian international media cover the case of a juvenile, convicted in the December 2012 gang-rape of a student, in front of a juvenile court in New Delhi on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Raveendran)

Both victims were dumped on the road after the attack, and two weeks later, the girl died in a Singapore hospital. She was admitted with only five percent of her intestine left in her body, according to then-reports from the Hindustan Times. The victim’s father said the juvenile tortured her the most mercilessly.

A group of protesters were present outside the courtroom wearing black bandanas marked with “16 December Revolution,” demanding that the teenage perpetrator be hanged.

While the 18-year old will serve out his term in a reform home, verdicts for four other adults involved are expected within the next fortnight. One accused, who was allegedly the ringleader, committed suicide in his prison cell in March.

In January, Indian authorities confirmed that the accused had been 17 at the time of the assault, using school records as evidence for the ruling. The victim’s family, alongside many others, were clamoring for him to receive the death penalty. However the maximum that could be imposed by the Juvenile Justice Board was three years.

 “You may as well set the juvenile free, if the sentence is only three years for heinous offenses like rape and murder,”
 said the mother of the victim, crying heavily after the verdict was read out. She announced that she would appeal the decision. The victim’s brother told Reuters that the teenager deserved “life”behind bars.
Indian activists shout as they demand the death of a juvenile, convicted in the December 2012 gang-rape of a student, in front of a juvenile court in New Delhi on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Raveendran)
Indian activists shout as they demand the death of a juvenile, convicted in the December 2012 gang-rape of a student, in front of a juvenile court in New Delhi on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Raveendran)

Since the public outrage over the rape, the government has fast-tracked harsher laws against sex-crimes. However, the juvenile ‘age’ has remained at 18.

An opposition politician Subramanian Swamy has filed a petition to use “emotional, intellectual and mental maturity” when trying to discern the ‘age’ of a potential juvenile, rather than years alone.

“I felt that, with the kind of rape that took place, if (the juvenile suspect) got off lightly it would send a bad signal to society,”
 Swamy told Reuters.

The teenager pled not guilty to 13 charges including rape, murder and robbery during the closed-door trial.

A police report notes that he left home at 11, with his mother believing him to have been dead until his arrest.

While last year, some 24,923 cases of rape were reported in in India, according to official government statistics, this does not allow for the suspected mass of unreported rapes to be included in the figure. However the comparatively low numbers (in the US for comparison over 80,000 cases were filed for the same period), can be explained by the fact that rape victims who come forward are frequently considered ‘dishonored’ and are subsequently ostracized from society. 

Enemy within: FBI to keep closer eye on Syrians in US ahead of strike

Enemy within: FBI to keep closer eye on Syrians in US ahead of strike

A man serving customers in a Syrian bakery in New York (Photo from man serving customers in a Syrian bakery in New York (Photo from

The FBI is upping its surveillance of Syrians within US borders, for a fear of reprisal attacks that may follow an imminent American strike against Bashar Assad, reports in US media say. Homeland Security is also worried about retaliatory cyber-attacks.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations has sent out a classified bulletin warning about potential fallout from the Syrian conflict to all law enforcement agencies, and hundreds of Syrians may face interviews with agents in the coming days, according to unnamed senior officials who spoke to the New York Times.
All sources connected with any Syrians, have been told to look out for plans or even “talk” of a retaliatory strike on US targets, whether inside its borders, or abroad. Those under investigation will presumably include US citizens of Syrian origin.
“The field offices know what they have in terms of sources and investigations, but this is a directive for them to redouble their efforts and check their traps,” one highly-placed official told NYT.
The practice of questioning people on the basis of their ethnic links is a long-standing policy, US Agents asked Iraqi-Americans to report on suspicious behavior ahead of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Libyan-Americans before the air strikes that helped topple Muammar Gaddafi two years ago.
But not everyone is convinced by the profiling policy.
We didn’t think the return on investment was especially high given the time and resources required to contact that many people,” James W. McJunkin, a former leading FBI counterterrorism official, said of the previous operations to uncover terrorist cells and ‘lone wolves’.
For the Department of Homeland Security, one new aspect of the Syrian operation is the increased focus in defending US authorities and companies against cyber-warfare.
Syrian-Americans: Paula Abdul (L) (AFP Photo) Hala Gorani (C) (Photo from Twitter) Teri Hatcher (R) (AFP Photo)
Syrian-Americans: Paula Abdul (L) (AFP Photo) Hala Gorani (C) (Photo from Twitter) Teri Hatcher (R) (AFP Photo)

Over the past year, the Syrian Electronic Army, a pro-Assad hacking group, has targeted several high-profile but poorly defended US companies, mostly causing nuisance and embarrassment. This week the New York Times website was blocked by the group, while it previously hijacked the Twitter feed of news agency AP, and claimed that Barack Obama was wounded in an explosion, setting off a brief worldwide panic.
The group, which is thought to receive support from the government of Bashar Assad, has promised “many surprises” if the US executes a strike on Syria, for the alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians.
"Military intervention in Syria has many consequences and will affect the whole world,” a group spokesman told BBC.
But both in the fields of virtual warfare and physical reprisals, the US is said to be focusing as much on Syria’s powerful backer Iran, as on the country itself. In the past, Iranians have been accused of carrying out a spate of embassy attacks aimed at Israel and the US, and have threatened a retaliatory response against any direct intervention in the Syrian civil conflict.
"The fact that the Americans believe that military intervention will be limited to within Syria's borders is an illusion; it will provoke reactions beyond that country," Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the influential Revolutionary Guard told ISNA news agency on Saturday. 

Syria anti-intervention march in London draws thousands (PHOTOS)

Syria anti-intervention march in London draws thousands (PHOTOS)

Protestors demonstrate against potential strikes on the Syrian government, at Trafalgar Square in central London August 31, 2013. (Reuters / Olivia Harris)Protestors demonstrate against potential strikes on the Syrian government, at Trafalgar Square in central London August 31, 2013. (Reuters / Olivia Harris)

Thousands gathered in Trafalgar Square in London to take part in the ‘Hands off Syria’ rally, protesting against the US-lead military intervention in the Middle Eastern country.
The demonstrators carried banners, saying “War solves nothing,” “Cut war not welfare,” and “Stop the war coalition” as polls show that opposition against the use of British missiles in Syria stands at two to one among UK citizens. 
One of the speakers on stage – Labour Party MP, Diane Abbott – said that an “illegal” war in Syria “wouldn’t solve anything,” adding that “if the answer is an American military intervention than you have asked the wrong questions.” 
British Pakistani writer, Tariq Ali, stressed that this time the anti-war protest has “the support of an overwhelming majority of the British and the American people,” warning that military intervention will only prolong the Syrian civil war, which started in earnest in March 2011. 
Hundreds of people take part in a protest against military intervention in Syria in central London on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Carl Court)
Hundreds of people take part in a protest against military intervention in Syria in central London on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Carl Court)

The Stop the War Coalition said they expected around 5,000 people to take part in the action, which would also include a march in central London through the Houses of Parliament and Downing Street. 
It’s the second ‘Hands off Syria’ rally to take place in the British capital this week after around a 1,000 gathered in front of the UK government’s headquarters on Wednesday. 
On Thursday, the UK parliament voted against British involvement in a military campaign in Syria, leaving the US without the support of its usual ally.   

Pro-Syria rallies hit US 

Rallies to support Syria were also staged in Washington D.C. The shouts of the protestors: "Obama, hands off Syria" were clearly audible on the coverage from the White House as the US president was about to address the nation on the Syrian issue from the Rose Garden. Obama announced that he would seek approval from the Congress before proceeding with a "limited" strike on Syrian government targets. 
While right across the street, Syrians and Syrian Americans, who support US military intervention, waved Syrian flags and shouted that Assad must go.
Another protest took place in Iowa City, with a larger rally scheduled for Saturday.
"Not only is it wrong, in the terms of the reason why we're doing it, the way in which we are doing it is also illegal," the rally's organizer, Ed Flaherty, director of the Iowa chapter of Veterans for Peace, told NBC.
On Friday, anti-war demonstrations took place in different cities and towns across the US, with hundreds protesting Obama’s plans to strike Syria in the Times Square in New York. 
The Australian capital, Sydney, also saw a rally on Friday as hundreds of protestors demanded: "Obama hear us now and hear us loud, hands off Syria.
The wave of international protests was sparked by US President, Barack Obama, announcing that Washington was weighing a “limited and narrow” military action against Syria, which wouldn’t involve “boots on the ground.” 
The US intelligence report, released on Friday, assessed with “high confidence” that Syrian government of Bashar Assad is behind an alleged chemical attack in the suburbs of Damascus last week, killing hundreds of civilians. 
Earlier, French president, Francois Hollande, said that the Western coalition may strike Syria before September 4.   
On Saturday, Vladimir Putin urged Washington to present its evidence to the UN Security Council before beginning the attack, with the Russian labeling as “utter nonsense” the idea that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its own people.
Hundreds of people protest against military intervention in Syria in central London on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Carl Court)
Hundreds of people protest against military intervention in Syria in central London on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Carl Court)

Protesters shout slogans and wave the Syrian flag as they demonstrate against military intervention in Syria in central London on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Carl Court)
Protesters shout slogans and wave the Syrian flag as they demonstrate against military intervention in Syria in central London on August 31, 2013. (AFP Photo / Carl Court)

MAKS headroom: Russia unveils plans for new anti-missile system, 5th-generation fighter jet

MAKS headroom: Russia unveils plans for new anti-missile system, 5th-generation fighter jetRussia's stealth fighters T-50 perform during the MAKS-2013, the International Aviation and Space Show, in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow (AFP Photo / Kirill Kudryavtsev)Russia's stealth fighters T-50 perform during the MAKS-2013, the International Aviation and Space Show, in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow (AFP Photo / Kirill Kudryavtsev)

Russia is developing a fifth-generation unmanned fighter jet and a completely new missile defense system which can simultaneously engage several supersonic targets in space, it has been revealed at the MAKS-2013 airshow.
The fifth-generation unmanned aircraft, weighing in at around 20 tons, takes after the T-50 fighter jet, with most of its characteristics modeled after it, Mikhail Pogosyan, president of Russia’s united aircraft-building corporation, told RIA Novosti at the MAKS-2013 show in Zhukovsky, just outside Moscow, which displayed the latest in air combat technology.
“We are working in accordance with plans developed together with the Defense Ministry. At this stage this implies further preliminary testing. The current stage is largely based on the technological breakthroughs we have achieved in the framework of the ‘fifth generation’ program,” Pogosyan told the Russian ITAR-TASS agency, in reference to the upcoming drone.
With a fifth-generation PAK-FA heavy attack jet already developed and planned to enter service in 2016, Russian aviation is also looking to the future of air combat, conducting research and development for aircraft that can dominate airspace by the mid-21st century.
The news comes on the heels of a Thursday announcement by the Russian aircraft construction corporation, which signed a $90 billion deal with the Defense Ministry. Under the contract, the ministry will have its technology and equipment built and serviced by Russia’s aircraft builders for the next three years, Pogosyan said at the MAKS-2013 show. 
National media reports that on top of the new deal, another $3 billion contract has come into effect, stipulating, aside from the servicing of equipment, that the Defense Ministry shall receive 65 new fighter jets by the end of 2013. 
Another exciting development in the Russian high-tech weapons market is the possible 2017 launch of the promising S-500 anti-aircraft missile system. The Friday news comes courtesy of a top Ministry of Defense figure, speaking to ITAR-TASS.
“A promising anti-aircraft missile system S-500 is being designed now,” the source said. “The Armed Forces may have it in 2017.” The special feature of the formidable new lineup is the ability to lock on to and engage multiple targets in space, never allowing them to reach Russian airspace.
Moscow has been making attempting leaps in combat technology – especially missile defense – given the uneasy international climate it finds itself in currently. The plan for a better missile defense is a direct answer to the United States’ idea for a missile shield in Europe, which it says is for defensive purposes against unpredictable regimes such as Iran and North Korea. Russia is not feeling very secure with the proposed system to be so close to its territories
Aside from the pursuit of fifth-generation technologies, Russia is also actively developing anunmanned sixth generation aircraft, said a former Air Force commander. Unlike NATO allies who will use American F-35 5Gs, self-sufficiency is an absolute must for Russia, said the commander, so 6G evolution is inevitable.
With regard to missile defense, Russia is currently using the S-400 Triumph, which has a range of 400 kilometers. Russian President Vladimir Putin says the Armed Forces are to acquire 28 systems from the current lineup over the next 10 years. 

Godzilla Scares the Sh*t Out of Grandma

Kids, don't try this at home unless your grandma has a pacemaker.
Grannies hearing the words "riding Godzilla" will probably recall memories of frolicking with navy sailors back in their youth. The granny featured in this video, however, doesn’t have time to daydream, because the present form of Godzilla she is riding is a Nissan E85 GT-R with 700HP and Launch Control. With the ability to shoot granny from 0-60 mph in as little as 2.3 seconds, she was unsurprisingly shocked by the sudden "GTs of force" as she calls it.
Hearing that pre-launch grumble, followed by the take off and granny's expression is a riot. She tells her grandson "You're scaring the shit out of me!" We for one believe her and hope she didn't forget her 'Oops! I Crapped My Pants' that day.
Godzilla Scares the Sh*t Out of Grandma
Godzilla Scares the Sh*t Out of Grandma

Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes

The Fins show their love for the Corvette in big numbers.
The Corvette Show and Meet 2013 brought out the cream of Finland’s Corvette crop, with more than 80 cars descending on Kouvola, a smallish town to the east of Helsinki. Finland might not be the first country that you think of in connection to the Corvette, but the examples in the video and pictures, both courtesy of Jamboolio, would do Corvette fans anywhere proud. Good to see this country full of legendary rally drivers and Kimi Raikkonen has made some room for the classic American sports car.
We would like to extend a hat tip to Church of the Vette for pointing us in the direction of so much V8 goodness. Photos courtesy of Jomboolio.
Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes
Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes
Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes
Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes
Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes
Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes
Finland Brings Out An Impressive Showing Of Corvettes

Another Take On The Lamborghini Cabrera Rendered

As if we weren't already excited enough about the new baby Lambo.
Speculation abounds on the subject of just what we’ll be getting when Lamborghini finally unveils the Cabrera, the official replacement for best-selling-of-all-time Lamborghini model, the Gallardo. We’ve previously run renderings of our own, but when it comes to a new Lambo, more than just one rendering artist is going to want to take a stab at it. This time around, we have not only a rendering of the coupe version of the car, but also the spyder version which Lamborghini is sure to build.
Another Take On The Lamborghini Cabrera Rendered
BMW Reveals New X5 M50d Power DieselThe Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the GradeBMW 3-Series Touring by BBM Motorsport
Like the other renderings, these have included a fair amount of styling touches borrowed from the big brother Aventador. This is a styling direction which Lamborghini is sure to take with the car, although just how much will be Aventador and how much will be original isn’t yet known. The car is expected to carry over the 5.1-liter V10 engine from the Gallardo, tuned to produce about 600 horsepower. But mystery still surrounds the car, and we don’t even know when it is that we’ll actually see it in its production-ready glory. Here’s hoping it might be at the upcoming Frankfurt Auto Show.
Another Take On The Lamborghini Cabrera Rendered
Another Take On The Lamborghini Cabrera Rendered
Another Take On The Lamborghini Cabrera Rendered
Another Take On The Lamborghini Cabrera Rendered

VW Beetle Upgraded by ABT Sportsline

New enhancements give the modern Bug some added attitude and power.
Cosmetic tweaks and power upgrades make up ABT Sportsline’s revised aftermarket kit for the VW Beetle. New products for the Bug include an aero kit consisting of a redesigned front spoiler and newly styled light covers, a twin-exhaust, 30 mm lowered suspension, and new exterior body colors of anthracite, gunmetal and silver. The VW-tuning specialist also offers a range of 18- to 20-inch alloys. Engine upgrades include a power boost from 200hp and 206 lb-ft to 240 hp and 251 lb-ft of torque for the 2.0-liter TSI unit.
VW Beetle Upgraded by ABT Sportsline
VW Beetle Upgraded by ABT Sportsline
VW Beetle Upgraded by ABT Sportsline
VW Beetle Upgraded by ABT Sportsline
VW Beetle Upgraded by ABT Sportsline

The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade

These are the concepts that never left the corral.
In Mustang’s storied 50-year existence, numerous concepts and prototypes never made the jump to production. Over the decades, the Lee A Iacocca commissioned pony car has maintained its original characteristics of sporty affordability. Yet as everyone’s favorite secretary’s car evolved, plenty of ponies were sacrificed throughout the generations. Ford is celebrating these forgotten Mustangs, opening its archives ahead of the 2015’s model expected debut at the 2014 New York Auto Show where it first took a bow.
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
Ford F-150 STX SuperCrew Boasts More Space, Better...Porsche Chase Through the Mountains of Puerto RicoBlack and White Lamborghini Aventadors Resoled by ...
In the early sixties Ford designers played around with sporty coupe themes based on the Falcon resulting in the Avventura, Avanti and Allegro, whose fastback profile was eventually adopted by the Mustang MkIII. The Allegro Design study was where the Stang’s basic proportions: long hood, short deck, and compact greenhouse, were born. Two-seater studies followed along with the 1962 Mustang I, a mid-engine coupe concept that bore aesthetic cues of the 1966 GT40. In 1965, Ford produced a four-door concept, considered to be its first major styling faux pas, and in 1966 a station-wagon concept followed.
The Mach 1 and Mach 2 Concepts represented the last of the Sixties prototypes, and in 1970 the Mustang Milano broke cover in Chicago, whose extended nose found its way onto the 1971 model. The final three Mustang Concepts include the 1980 Ghia-penned RSX rally special based on the third-gen Fox-body Stang, the “Bruce Jenner” and “Rambo” concepts from 1990, and the 1992 Mach III Concept, which offered clues as to the fourth-gen's design direction.
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade
The Ford Mustang Concepts that Missed the Grade