Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The dependency of Technology

The dependency of Technology

In my day-to-day I’m faced with situations of technology dependence. Most of the people buy the product because it’s beautiful, because friends have it and they want to follow the trend. Most of these people manage badly their needs, or at least from my point of view. I can’t understand that with this global crisis, the market of mobile phones (for example) continues to have abrupt increases profit. There is no money for buying food, travel, visit other countries, be more cultural, but there is for buying mobile phones, tablets and others technology dependencies?
(…) Samsung absolutely mowed down the competition in the first quarter of 2013 by selling 64.7 million smartphones, good for a 30.8% share of the global smartphone market and a 59% increase from the 40.6 million smartphones it sold in the first quarter of 2012

I’m from 90′s and amazingly I never bought a smartphone a tablet, or even a mobile phone. Isn’t about I like it or not, it’s about focusing the most important aspects firstly. Personally, I already consider myself too dependent of a computer, especially in work, but I don’t want to make my life all around technological dependencies.
I could, for obligation, because of my area (which is IT), have to buy a smartphone or something similiar for future projects. But I’ve been thinking about this option since, at least, 2/3 years and so far I have not bought any. It makes me confused the priorities that people give to their lives. Electronic devices overlap the food.
And after all everything I said, here comes the Google Glass, which I already talked here.
Privacy? Where? No matter how many privacy measures that Google implements, there will certainly be applications to record videos, take photos, and make other carload of things, even in front of our eyes without us realize. When people realizes that their privacy has been invaded long time ago, is when they are going to feel frustrated and angry, and it will be too late.
Another alarming case are the children.

Firstly, if children use technology they lose independence as they look up the answer without thinking. It can cause health porblems. Violence and it is less time outside and less social interaction.
Do I need to say anything else?
Although, I want to make clear that I give a big “Yes” to the tecnology, but with moderation and without overlapping the greater Human values.


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