Thursday, August 15, 2013

California high court refuses to halt same-sex weddings

California high court refuses to halt same-sex weddings

California’s state supreme court refused to stop same-sex weddings on Wednesday in a one-sentence order. The court’s response was prompted by supporters of a 2008 gay marriage ban known as Proposition 8, who had appealed after the US Supreme Court ruled back in June against an appeal following the law’s repeal by a San Francisco federal judge. The legal wrangling has been ongoing since the gay marriage legislation was passed by voters in California, later ruled unconstitutional. Two days after the US Supreme Court ruling in June, a federal appeals court allowed gay marriages to resume in California, and a wave of ceremonies began immediately. Andy Pugno, an attorney for a pro-Proposition 8 group called, said the state Supreme Court’s ruling “leaves grave doubts about the future of the initiative process in our state.”

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