Sunday, August 18, 2013

3,500 Morsi loyalists arrested in 5 days – Brotherhood lawyer

3,500 Morsi loyalists arrested in 5 days – Brotherhood lawyer

Egypt’s security forces have arrested 3,500 supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi since Wednesday, Ahram Online cited Muslim Brotherhood lawyer Mustafa El-Demeery as saying. El-Demeery said about 2,000 Morsi loyalists were arrested during the dispersal of the Rabaa Al-Adaweya and Al-Nahda sit-ins on Wednesday. Some 1,500 more were arrested during clashes between Morsi supporters, security forces and downtown Cairo residents in and around Ramses Square on Friday, the lawyer said. Prosecutors have ordered the continued detention of more than 400 Morsi loyalists arrested during the Ramses Square clashes, according to Ahram Online. The rest of the detained are reportedly being questioned.

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