Tuesday, August 20, 2013

18 children diagnosed with thyroid cancer near Fukushima plant

18 children diagnosed with thyroid cancer near Fukushima plant

Eighteen children from the Fukushima Prefecture have been found to have thyroid cancer, while 25 others are suspected of having the illness, Japan’s NHK website reported. Medical examinations are being conducted on all 360,000 children from the area who were aged 18 and younger at the time of the 2011 accident. By the end of July, around 210,000 children had been tested. The findings were reported by a prefectural panel which is looking into the impact of radiation on those living in the affected area. Local children are thought to be at risk of developing cancer as radioactive substances released can accumulate in their thyroid glands. The panel reported that it could not yet conclude whether the nuclear accident had an impact on the frequency of cancer among children.

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